Debunking Common Methadone Myths
Have you ever, at some point in your life, heard a bit of information that a majority people believed is true…and then you too go on believing said information? These, my friends, would be called myths.

Many of you may have heard of this myth: sugar makes kids hyper. In fact, this is not true!
In fact, many studies have proven that sugar has no effect on behavior at all. The reason why some kids seem to get hyper with sugar is because they BELIEVE in the myth, they believe sugar makes them hyper and a psychological effect occurs.
Myths are everywhere and often scare people to not getting the help they need/deserve. And that’s just INSANE! Today, I am here to help separate the myths from the truth about methadone.
Debunking Methadone Myths
Myth #1: Methadone is a substitute for heroin or prescription opioids.
Methadone is a treatment for opioid addiction, not a substitute. Methadone is long-acting, requiring one daily dose. Heroin is short-acting, and generally takes at least three to four daily doses to prevent withdrawal symptoms from emerging.
Myth #2: If you are on a stable dose of only methadone, you are addicted.
Patients taking methadone are physically dependent on it, but not addicted to it. Methadone does not cause harm, and provides benefits. People with many common chronic illnesses are physically dependent on their medication to keep them well, such as insulin for diabetes, inhalers for asthma and blood pressure pills for hypertension.
Myth #3: You are not able to perform well in many jobs on methadone.
People who are stable on methadone should be able to do any job. A person stabilized on the correct dose is not sedated, in withdrawal or euphoric.
Myth #4: Methadone rots teeth and bones.
There are side effects from taking methadone and other opioids, such as constipation and increased sweating. These are usually easily manageable. If patients engage in good dental hygiene, they should not have any dental problems.
Myth #5: Methadone is not advisable in pregnant women.
The evidence over the years has shown that a pregnant woman addicted to opioids has the best possible outcome for herself and her fetus if she takes either methadone or buprenorphine. A pregnancy’s outcomes are better for mother and newborn if the mother remains on methadone than if she tapers off and attempts to be abstinent during pregnancy. Methadone does not cause any abnormalities in the fetus and does not appear to cause cognitive or any other abnormalities in these children as they grow up.
Babies born to mothers on methadone will experience neonatal abstinence syndrome, which occurs in most newborns whose mothers were taking opioids during pregnancy. This syndrome is treated and managed somewhat easily and outcomes for the newborn are good—it is not a reason for a pregnant woman to avoid methadone treatment. Mothers on methadone should breastfeed unless there is some other contraindication, such as being HIV-positive.
Myth #6: Methadone makes you sterile.
Methadone may lower serum testosterone in men, but this problem is easily diagnosed and treated.
Addiction carries enough stigma without added misinformation about life-saving treatment. To find out whether medically assisted treatment through methadone is right for you or your loved one, contact BornFree Wellness Center today.
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